In Pain....
July 24, 2002@5:54 pm.

wow - havent written in a while and suprise suprise not much has happend.

I had tumbling last nite and now i hurt like a mother. Dah i tried to go running today and it hurt so much that I couldnt even do that. So i had to settle for a bike ride. But yea. I have it again tomorrow - blah im gonnna hurt so freakin much. I hope i get better. Seriously - i dont know how i can though cause there is only one instructor and what 45, 50 girls??? yea he just cant help us individually @ all really. But we'll see - he said maybe he cna get some other people to come in so i hope so.

Wow the funniest thing happened last nite. So @ like 10:30 i get this call from Tyne's mom she was like - do you know where my daughter is??? i was like ummm no... i havent seen her since we took her home from school. So I guess what happend was that Tyne went to the pool with Mike #2 while Mike #1 was in cedar point. So she went to the pool but while she was gone Mike #1 came home and called. Well her brothers didnt know that there were 2 different Mikes so they thought that Tyne was just off somewhere. Plus Tyne had left these IMs up about how she was gonna go drinking and so her mom got even more pissed about that. So yea I guess her mom ended up going to krogers and getting mine and Chris's phone number to call us cause she was so freaked out. So yea now Tyne os grounded for liek the next month. lol that sucks but yea oh well i'll still see her @ school and work.

oh yea i get the fake baby on fri. Im so not looking forward to that. I havet o work all weekend and its gonna stink sooo much. Blah well my sisters gonna take care of it for the most part but not @ nite and im only gonna be gone for 4 hours on fri. and sat. Man im gonna have to bring the baby to the car wash on sat! well mark will too so i guess it'll be ok. ITs just gonna get frustrating!

ok well im in major pain now - i need to go put some lotion on and take an ibprophen ta ta


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005