a short lil update
July 27, 2002@5:58 pm.

Wow its satruday already this week went by really fast. So I've actaully had a pretty productful week. I had tumbling on thursday again and it went a lot better. We did a lot less drills and stuff and there were 2 other people there to help and we actually got to work on back-hand-springs. So yea the person who was helping me said i jsut need to swing my arms back faster and to use my legs more and i'll be good to go! so YAY! im really excited we have 6 more weeks with them and i really hope thati get it before we're done! Or at least to where i can use one of the coaches to spot me. I really hope i get it because that would just be toooo cool. lol Especially if I could get it for homecoming. Im determined to have a really good homecoming this year. Im cheering @ the bonfire and @ the game so yay! it'll be a lot better than last year jsut because of those 2 things. ok well thats still a long ways away so we'll see.

I also got my baby on fri. Its a boy and I named it Joshua Luke Wong! lol I still havent told kerri i got it yet. BUt she knows so i'll have to call her and be likme YEA BUDDY! lol I went shopping today and I got all these nasty looks from people who were liek 10 feet away and couldnt tell that it was fake. This one guy even had me come over and be like - look this is what happens when you get pregnant, you hvae ot change the diapers and feed it and take it everywhere. I was liek dude ITS FAKE! it was really weird. BUt its not all that bad except for @ nite b/c it woke me up 4 times last nite. It stunk so much. Only the rest of today tomorrow and 2 nites left. Dang thats alot! oh well - it seemed like ti wouldnt be that bad and its not really but its just a pain. All it does is cry. I mean its not liek a real baby where you have to entertain, change the diapers, feed it, keep it clean - do soo much more than just put a key in the back and make it stop crying. oh WEll i guess this is easier so i shouldnt complain.

Um also had work yesterday, today and tomorrow. Tomorrows the long day. But today and yesterday werent bad. Only like 4 hours each day. but tomo is 8 hours so blah. but thats all that im working so the paycheck is gonna suck so much.

well camp is coming up soon. Im actually starting to look forward to it. Im actually really lookin forward to tuesday b/c i have tumbling and then i get all the rest of my clothes! yay i cant wait to see my warmups! They'll be soo cute. I hope they fit well and we all like em casue we cant change em before camp! lol we'll see how it goes!

ta ta


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005