Hoping for baltimore
September 28, 2003@7:40 pm.

This week was pretty good suprisinly... I went out every night so thats always a plus. On monday mandi and i went to younglife which is always fun, and then small group bible study on tuesday night which was sweet becuase mandi doesnt usually come so it was cool to have her there. I worked on wednesday which went pretty fast and then headed over to caribou to hang with Kerri for a little bit. I turned in my first roll of film for photography on thursday! (: and get to start developing them this week - yay for that I cant wait to see how they turn out!!! especially this picture i took of my car's side view mirror. The way the mirror was set up you could see my sister andrea in the reflection, and there were these water drops on it from the rain..aw i think it will look so good! Then i went to see the play with Jenny on thursday which was really good! Coffee was a lot of little snippets of important moments in peoples lives, it was actually pretty funny. Eulogy was realy sad, made me cry which was suprisng and June, Daydreaming was hilarious but so truthful...definitly my favorite. But what really impressed my was the my peers wrote these plays, i could definitly never write something that would make people laugh or cry. Its just amazing the amount of talent people around me have.

Friday i tried to go to the UA - Thomas Game but by the time we got there it was already canceled and everyone had gone home. So Stephanie, Shannon, Olga and I just drove around. We went to Lennox, Polaris, Marcus and finally ended up @ Scotties. We walked around Old Worthington which just amazed me at how pretty it is even when its not christmas time and all illuminated and everything. Actually a lot of fun considering the fact we did absolutly nothing. Saturday I worked from 12-8 and then headed to the play again this time wiht Stephanie and Christina. So good even though i had already seen it. After that we headed to Waffle House. Quite an experience considering i had never been there before.

Then today i was at church for like 6 hours. I was at sunday school from 9:30 to 10:30, youth council from 11 - 12:30, serving a retirment party for our head custodian from 1:15 to 3:15 and then back from 6 - 7:30 to vote on work camp locations. Yea I was there a lot. But the most dissapointing thing is that they voted a week that I couldnt go on work camp becaue Im already going to Spain. Im so upset, i love work cam. Not only is it a great time where you can hang out wiht everyone from church but you get so much closer to God. It completly changed my life the first time I went to Minnesota my freshman year. Its like living for a week wiht people who have the same beliefs and values as you. Everyone is so welcoming, there are no groups or cliques of people and you see life from a whole other light. Last year we even got to sleep outside under the stars, and becuase we were in the country there were no city lights to block any of the light from the stars. It was so clear that the moon woke me up in the middle of the light because it was so bright. I mean when do you get these types of experiences.

So in summary Spain better be the shit, becuase it needs to make me feel like I didnt miss out on anything by choosing to go there over work camp. I can just hope and pray that North Carolina is already filled up so we can go to Baltimore and I can still go.

not my self

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