Cards Day and OCCs
May 17, 2003@8:06 pm.

This week has been so AWESOME! yay yesterday was Cardinal Day which was def. the highlight of my week. Big Wheel was fun even though Jenny and I lost. I hit McCort in the Face, there was a whipped cream fight and hey Steve looked super hott in his Gossip About Katie clothes. Plus they sounded good and played some great music, which made it even more fun. ANd it was outside for the 1st time in 3 years! it finally didnt rain. I cant say enough how much fun I had. It was great.

Then last night kerri adn I went to steak and Shake and got a lot of good food. WE rented Two weeks notice too. I had to take her home before we could watch it though so i just watched it wehn i got home.

I think we're gonna try adn go to Cedar Point this summer too! My summer plans are just getting better and better! im gonna try and convince my rents to let us go by ourselves but they probably wont. Who knows though. That would be way to tight. It probably wouldnt be that bad if they jsut got their own room and let all of us who went along.

Today I went to OCCs for track and it was pretty gross outside. That kinda stunk casue i had to be outside and there wasnt much shelter or anything and it was cold. I dunno how we did overall. Pretty well i think but who knows. I kinda wish i was going on for the rest of the season but then again i do like not having a commitment everday after school.

Im working tomorrow for the first time in liek 2 weeks. I liek going back to work when i havent worked in a long time, its nice b/c everyone needs a break once a while.

And right now Dawson's Creek Series finale is on and it is SUPER good! lol i havent watched in like 2 seasons but it is soo good. Its brign back all the music and memeories from the first seasons so it makes me happy. Plus it explains what has happened lately so im not too lost.

So off to watch it!


not my self

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