8 hours
December 29, 2002@7:29 pm.

Im so drained. I worked for 8 freakin hours today. I hurt, my back hurts liek it hasnt in months. So tomorrow im going to see the Star Trek movie casue i told my dad I would. Plus im going to best buy and the rec center. it should be a productful day! I went to Media Play yesterday and got the new, or should i say old John Mayer. His 1999 one, and the old Rascal Flatts. Both excelent. But Media Play is getting over priced so im gonna try and get some other ones tom.

I still cant find my cd case! AHHHH im going insane! NOt only did i lose the one with all my good cds in it, i misplaced my one wiht all the crappy cds in it, i mean i still need it! ahhh, so im madly looking, my family cant find it either, which means its prob in my closet somewhere!!! ahhhhh omgosh. im just to tired today to go and look for it.

I read this really good book yesterday. I read the whole thing in one day. Its called Love and other four letter words. Its about this girl whos parents are having a trial seperation and they both move so she has to move away from her home town to New York City. its really good.


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005