August 25, 2003@10:19 am.

nothin much has been going on lately. I went to registration about a week ago and got my schedule and parking pass and all that good stuff. Saw some people I havent seen in a while and set up a guidance appointment for the first day since my schedule is so messed up.

So with only a few days till the 1st day of school im trying to get some last hurrahs of summer in before its all gone. Its beautiful outside today so i think im gonna try and get someone to tye-dye stuff with me. I want to go to Kohl's too - get some more clothes cause most of the stuff i have is from like 7th and 8th grade - yea im just that cool. I went thrifting with Olga a couple days ago but only got one shirt for work.

It seems like I've been working a lot lately but i really havent. I had like 20 hours last week nad 16 this week. if i can keep that up it would be really nice cause i would have more money for Espana and everything else i need. I worked from 2-10 on sat. and had a great time. We werent like busy @ all so John and I just hung out the whole time. Tyne and I even got to run U-Scan together which is a one person job even when there are customers there - so we just got to sit and talk. THen yesterday, I only had to work frm 4-8:30 so i got to run U-scan the whole time. It was a lot busier than it has been lately but not so busy that i was like stressed out the whole time.

SO im gonna go and try to find out whats going on with today - try to find some fun stuff to do!


not my self

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