made bball
October 26, 2002@6:09 pm.

Ive just been chillin for the most part today. Im resally really tired. I woke up pretty early cause i had a cheerleading fundraiser @ lazarus. It wasnt too bad but it wasnt liek great fun. We were selling these like 5 dollar gift certificates to people. Well actually the parents did that and the girls liek folded clothes and stuff. Becca and I ended up together and got to leave our little area about 30 minutes early, so wer went and got some food. Actually Becca got some Seaseme Chicken @ little Tokyo and I just ate some of hers. so it really wasnt that bad. Plus the really cool thing was that Mrs. Reeb and Coach Dirk told me taht b/v Becky quit B-Ball they wanted to put another person on the team and they looked back 2 the scores from try-outs and I had the next highest scores so I get to cheer basketball!!! yea im pretty excited. I just really hope that everyone isnt like blah she wasnt on the squad originally. but oh well i dont htink that they will, i asked renee and Becca about it and they seemed to think it was fine. THey we're like YES but yea know thats totally fine, that dont have to be extatic to have me on the team. so thats all for right now, been working on my AP and i only have to work for 4 hours tomorrow!! yay more time to work on homework.


not my self

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