Snowflake Shake
December 07, 2003@11:04 am.

So i cut my hair....and it doesnt look bad! yay for that, i was really scared at how it would turn out but everyone has basically liked it!

Last night was the Winter Dance - SNOWFLAKE SHAKE! yay! I had a game earlier in the day and the times kept getting changed so I wasnt even sure if I would even be able to go. But everything worked out for the best, and my dad was able to come and pick me up after my game and bring me home so I could go to the dance.

OH my goodness it was so wonderful. I went with a huge group 21 girls. It was awesome!! Kellie, Lauren and Laura had tie dyed all of our shirts for us. They were red and white so we would like peppermints. It was definitly the best dance I have been to since Ive been in highschool. They played a lot of rap like usually but some other songs that you wouldn't expect like Bohemian Rapsody..yea who woulda thought. But that was still awesome...its a good song to sing along and jump around to.

I went over to Nick's house after we finished cleaning up, but only for a little bit. By the time I got to his house it was already quarter till 12. Luckily my mom had called and said I could stay out for a little longer though so i didnt have to rush home.

Today is the Relient K concert!!! HOLLA!!!!!! AJ, Danille, Stephanie and I are definitly going and I think Michelle and a couple of her friends from DeSales are coming with us too. So that should be fun - its always fun haning out with new people.

not my self

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