ASU here I come!!!
February 24, 2005@10:02 pm.

ASU!!!ASU!!!ASU!!! HERE I COME!!!! Ahh sooo excited.

I went to ASU from sat. to wednesday. It was great, I got to spend some time with my aunts, uncle and cousins. It was grand. I had orientation on monday and spent almost the entire day there. My mom and I walked around campus and sat. night and sunday during the day too, so I really got to see it at all times. I feel pretty comfortable with the campus now, and I'm syched! I wore my ASU sweatshirt to school today and let everyone know of my choice. I'm just glad to have finally made a decision.
I'm really gonna miss everyone here though, I feel like I have such little time to spend with these people, cause really I'm not gonna see many of them after highschool, but I knew this was coming. I know I'll stay close to a few, Christina and Carlyn for sure. And I'll see everyone else on breaks. I'm coming back in October for Halloween at OU and for over a month for winter break. Plus my school year is realtivly short I guess. August 22 to May 10. I'll get a nice long summer break.
Work has been crazy...I leave for less than a week and all this craziness happens! Ahh steph is in the office now....???? What the hell?? Lets just say if she wasnt sleeping with Tom, it would be a lot differnt. I mean, shes nice enough, but there is just so much blatant favoritism at that store!!ehhh we'll see what happens, stephen says he is leaving, but we'll see if that really happens, I hope not.

Tis all for now....more on my glorious decision on ASU lata!!!

not my self

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