New Incubus
February 03, 2004@9:48 pm.

WHOA just got the new Incubus CD!! ahh it is just way too cool for me!! everyone should go and buy it! Right now my two favorite songs are #4 Talk SHows on Mute and #12 Smile Lines

OH what a GREAT DAY!! I didnt have class in Adv. Comp or Great Books and I had study hall inbetween the two. Plus I got to take this tight ass picture in Photography today. Mr. Postal, my teacher has a sound activated flash -so he turned off all the lights and we put our cameras on the B-setting and then he smashed a lightbulb with a hammer causeing the light to flash and me getting a piture of the crash at the moment of impact. Im really syched to see how it comes out.

So other than that I got the new Sounds CD which is different but really good. I saw them open for Rooney and was kinda freaked out @ first but I really like them now. They are just so different than anything out there.

And now I am listening to and all DMB station on AOL radio - today has been such a great day for music.aahhh i am in heaven

not my self

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