December 11, 2002@9:41 pm.

A lot has happened lately. Ive been busy with all i do and school and tests and all the crap that comes wiht the weeks before winter break. Well At least its soon - 9 days! (-: and we had a 2-hour delay today, so no school day but a nice little break in the schedule. My sister and I watched the Grinch this morning in our extra time.

So tomorrow Im performing my play during 2nd period, so no Mr. Gardner OH DARN. But yea, Carls supposed to take notes for me if we take em, so im covered.

So Saturday. A TON happened. Well friday night we had a game against UA so that was an event in itself. We won and then i stayed for the varsity game and we just slaughtered them in that game. It was great fun, a ton of people were there and I got to go get something to eat and watch a movie after the game. So I was tired for the combination of friday night and going to the play thursday night when i woke up sat. morning to go to hell on earth, the dentist. It was awful, i hate the dentist to begin with, but to make matters worse, they told me I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled as soon as possible. The day of agony has been set for January 10. Im sad. I really dont want to get them pulled. Im super scared.

So after the dentist, Jenny came over and we made our shirts for the winter dance. Yea I finally found a way to be able to go. My mom came and picked me up after the varsity game. Our shirt group was called The Studettes. We were kinda makin fun of a group of guys that we're friends with, but it was all in good fun. We put their initials on our shirt as the "original studs" and the shirts ended up looking super tight. I dunno what any of the guys thought about our shirts, but i thought they were quite cool.

After we took Jenny home, we went to the NUTCRACKER! yay, it was the first time i had been to the play since i was like in 2nd grade and went with school so it was really nice. I went with my family and it was a nice way to kick off the holiday season. My sisters friend was the sugarplum fairy too, so that was way cool. Ive known her since she was like 2 so it was cool to see her so grown up, and she was absolutly amazing.

I went straight from the Ballet to school to get ont eh bus to go to Westerville south. I cheered for that game too and we won (-; so we're undefeated, it was an awesome game, we played pretty well and ended up winning by like 7 or 8 points. Right after the game i went to the winter dance. Oh goodness i had so much fun. I bet some peopel thought i was high or drunk or something, cause seriously i am the worst dancer, but i get so into it @ the dances, i just dont even care. They played some really crappy music, a lot of rap but it wasnt all bad.

I finally got some rest after the dance cause i didnt have to go to work so i went ot church and then just went shopping! yeehaw, i got a lot of cool stuff. I love buying my friends stuff, i usually spend so much money on my friends and dont get a lot of presents, but i dont care @ all, i love giving people stuff and thinking about what to get them and all that good stuff. THis week has been pretty boring. A lot of test and anticipation of christmas and break. Its sneaking up on me and i know it'll be here before i know it. I took an AP DBQ yesterday and i abotu cried. It was so hard, and not @ all on what i studied for. I really almost cried i was so mad and sad. Im just hoping now that McCourt is nice and grades easily b/c its our first DBQ, but we'll see. He says he hopefully'll have em done but monday. but oh well not anything to do about it now.

Alright my sis is bugggin me for th comp.


not my self

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confused - March 09, 2005
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