#15 for Kahlua!
January 17, 2002@7:14 pm.

Quote of today!

"God doesnt give you anything you can't handle - so trust in him"

I had SUCH a good day today! yay exams are FINALLY done! lol i did pretty good on them - cept for Global yay C+! lol Oh well i still have a B in that class so it's all good.

It was also Kerri's b-day today! I ahd so much fun I hope she did too! We went to Scotties after our first period exam for like an hour ro so then came back and roamed the halls to findout our grades for our exams. ANd tehn BRAVO lol fun fun - Kahlua and Schnopps! lol god i seriosuly thnk that those people thought something was wrong with us! We must have been drunk ont he kaluha! lol riiiigghhtt.lol

So today was an awesome day! adn we have a 4 day weekend! Wahhoo! we're goin bowlin! yea Kerri! lol

well thats all for now!

Ali - Colada!

not my self

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