2001-09-02@3:58 p.m..

Ok so this weekend has been pretty good- cept yesterday was kinda boring. Firday I went to the game adn teh dance. We lost our gaem - SUPRISE SUPRISE lol - not a big change from last year. I thought that after last week we might have gotton better but i guess not. LOL And anyway i heard that West was bad anyway. Well we got our butts wooped last night. I think the final score was like 31 to nothin - in favor of the Prexies. I mean what kind of a mascot is that. I think it'

s supposed to be short for Presdidents - but thats a stupid mascot too. LOL Thats not saying much though cause we're the cardianls and we shorten it to CArds. lol but that kinda has a nice ring to it. The game kinda sucked - there werent that many people there but oh well. THe dance was more fun. There were even less people there but it ws fun. Danced a lot even though it was only like an hour long. There werent any slow songs though so that sucked but oh well. Um caitlin got asked to homecoming by a junior! lol I'll be sittin @ home on my ass instead of being @ the dance but oh well i dont care. I'll probably end up goin with some friends if they wanna go. I dont really care - the dances havent impressed me enough to really really wanna go but i wouldnt mind goin if osmeone asked me - lol i'm really contradicting myself here arent I lol. K Well yesterday kerri and i went to the rec center when we woke up adn tehn she went home round 12. Then I had to clean for a while. I MUST find my pager!!! I need it badly and my parents are starting to get pissed - i think after a while though if i cant find it i'm just ganna ask em if i can buy another one. they dont have to pay for it or anyting. That might work. I dunno. I've been lookin for a while and i just cant find it! Oh well the hunt continues. Goin to St. Michaels tonite. W/ kerri - but i guess a lot of otehr people are goin to. I thought most people would have gone last nite but whateva the more peopl there tonite the more fun it'll be. K well thats all for now - buh bye

not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005