November 29, 2002@3:47 pm.

Ive been writing this for a while now, so in this for a while, so heres a little info bout me

Name - Allison

Age - 16

Bday - March 3

Stuff that i do - Cheerlead, run sprints and throw discus and shot in track, Work @ Krogers and spend a lot of time with my youth group @ church

Im a junior @ Thomas Worhtington

Loves - Laughing so hard it hurts, being spontanious, listening to music, "cruising" with my friends, making late night raids to Kroger, eating mass amounts of chocolate and candy, baking cookies and Buckeyes, snow and thunderstorms, long conversations on the phone, taking pictures @ the photo booth @ the movies, Harry Potter, Boy Meets World, going to parks, playing touch football and soccer with my friends, shopping wiht my sisters, going to steak and shake late @ night, playing sardines @ Walmart @ 5 in the morning, cheering for the team, speaking in spanish, snow days, being with my friends, RAV 4's long bus trips, going to plays, Concerts

Dislikes - Mean and rude people, writing papers, Old english teachers, being the cardinal @ away games, flying, most rap music, IMs on AOL, Long lines, the same cafeteria food everyday for 3 years, steak, scary movies, most vegetables, teal, PT Cruisers, long school hours, school's "celebration of excellence", busy hallways, stupid freshman, not being able to sleep in, 8 hour days @ work, getting karts, paper bags

Fav movies - Breakfest Club, Remeber the Titans, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Armageddon, 10 Things I Hate about You, Empire Records, The Patriot, Hope Floats

Fav Musicians - Incubus, Dixie Chicks, SuperChic[k], Relient K, Ani Difranco, Counting Crows, John Mayer, The Beatles, Rooney, Jason Mraz and Tim McGraw

More Later!


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005