to much!
September 14, 2002@9:34 pm.

Damn i just lost the whole entry that i had typed before. stupid back button. Oh well.... so i have a ton of homework this weekend so not a lot of updates. although im busy most of the time anyway and am not updating all that much to begin with.

I had to work today and have to tomorrow too. ahh 8 hours...way to long. I have to take my homework with me too so i get it done! lol i have an hour worth of breaks so i should get a lot done. I hope its cool outside so i dont have to take all of my breaks in the break room. we'll see. hmmmm. it would be so freakin awesome if it rained, i absolutly love the rain. and it would be a great noise to work to. it gets so cool after a rain too. such a nice peaceful steady pace. Oh i absolutely love to get karts in the rain. not a real heavy rain but a nice steady one. ah so refreshing. a great reminder that the Lord is everywhere around you. oh as i go off on a rain

well we'll see if my lil wish goes well. Chruch starts back @ 9 again tomorrow. so i'll have to wake up a lil bit earlier but thats ok, cause i like havin it then so i can still work adn go to church on sundays. It will be nice to get back into that old schedule. Youth Fellowship starts up again tom nite but i really shouldnt go, i have way to much to study to go. i should go try and get some more of my history done too. yea definitly


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
18!!! - March 07, 2005
1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005