Do you believe.....??
January 21, 2002@4:00 pm.

do you believe in angels?

just like you believe in santa who drinks beer at the market

and gives you cigarettes the whole packet?

do you believe in God?

just like you believe in 'gods' who go to parties at the club

and give you drugs, cash and cab?

do you believe in love?

just like you believe in revenge which means give them what they deserve

and feed them to the lions for dessert?

i believe in angels because they're always near by

whenever i feel alone and wish that i soon die

i believe in God because he believes in me

even when it's the last thing i see

i believe in love because as i take my first breath today

i know i'm being loved by God, angels, and you ...

night and day.

Cute isnt it? Found it on the internet @ this girl's diaryland diary - go check it out @

Luv always


not my self

Easter - March 27, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
confused - March 09, 2005
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1st track meet of 05 - February 27, 2005