Exam schedule! dahhh!
2001-12-11@5:09 p.m..

Goodness I have been so busy lately. Oh well - soon will be christmas so i must take the time to enjoy it!

I found out my exam schdule today - and it's gonna be a killer. My first day is gonna be horrible - the second wont be to bad and the last day is gonna be the best! i dont even have to come cause i have ceramics then study hall! yea no exams therefore i dont have to come! yippee! lol

so anyway been really busy w/ cheerleadin, school and work lately. although they only schduled me for 9 hours this week!!! i'll prob get like $50 this week )-: man i really need this money too! i mean it's christmas schedule me more hours! oh well i guess im already pretty busy. and i dont think i'm goin anywhere this weekend. Well John asked me to a movie but my rents arent gonna let me go. I mean we're not goin out so they wont let me go. and andrea never really did that so they're not letting me. geeze how homosexual is that (lol ashley). ok yea i know thats really stupid but it was funny. K thats all for now!

Bye all - back to my locker decorating duties and homework!

not my self

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